Eastern Screech-Owl

Megascops asio

Eastern Screech-Owl

Megascops asio
Megascops asio
Defining Characteristics and Behavior:

The Eastern screech owl is a small owl, about 6-10 inches (15-25 cm) in height and weighing 4-8 ounces (113-227 g). They have distinctive ear tufts on top of the head that are used to help them camouflage in the trees. A Screech owl's color varies from grey to reddish-brown feathers with intricate patterns of white and black. As a nocturnal species, they are primarily active at night, which is when you are likely to hear their trilling call, which can sound like a horse's whinny or a bouncing ball.

Habitat and Distribution:
Average Lifecycle:
Fun Facts:

Other Information

Commonly found in Florida backyards, the Eastern Screech Owl utilizes camouflage and mimicry to remain undetected, sometimes even posing like a branch. They are devoted parents but prefer seeking out an abandoned woodpecker nest to building one from scratch.

How to help

Learn About The Florida Wildlife Corridor

Learn more

Cornell Lab of Ornithology